Oxfam: refugee admission announcement immoral and un-American


In reaction to the Trump administration announcement of intention to set the upcoming Presidential Determination for the upcoming Fiscal Year at a continuing historic low of 18,000, Daryl Grisgraber, Oxfam America Humanitarian Policy Lead, said:

“Today’s refugee admissions announcement is immoral and un-American. It is yet another shameful marker for an administration already in a race to the bottom of inhumane policies that betray everything our nation stands for.

Welcoming those in need of refuge is a fundamental part of our national story, and the refugee resettlement program has been a lasting symbol of that continuing tradition. We are appalled by this Administration’s disdain for one of the US’ most celebrated and successful displays of solidarity with the world’s most vulnerable people.

In their senseless quest to keep foreigners out, this administration proves they are willing to abandon our nation’s founding principles and outright reject human rights.

Over the years, the refugee resettlement program has underlined the belief that all people – regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation – deserve a shot at a better life. Today’s refugee admissions announcement is a signal to the world that the US is no longer a welcoming place, a message that will have reverberations around the world for years to come.”