OXFAMExchange Spring 2009
The power of resilience
We believe climate change is more than an environmental concern. We believe curbing global warming isn't enough. We must go beyond that if we're going to help poor communities—from the US Gulf Coast to Bangladesh—build their resilience to climate change. The situation is increasingly urgent; many are already struggling to cope with the consequences of erratic weather, crop shortages, and receding coastlines. Naturally it is the world's poorest—among them women and children—who are hit hardest.
With some champions in Congress and support from the White House, we're hoping to see domestic legislation that not only fines companies who pollute, but also uses some of these funds to help affected communities build their resilience. If we are successful domestically, we can lay the groundwork for a global deal at the UN Climate Change Conference this December—an agreement that will create a more hospitable climate for us all.
Also in this issue: A force of peace in Peru; Rebuilding in Bangladesh; Oxfam America's new role in Darfur.