Rein in Billionaire and Corporate Power

It’s time to check the power that is exacerbating inequality.

Billionaire and corporate power are fueling inequality. The ultra-rich have created a new era of consolidated corporate power that gives them immense wealth and excessive control over our lives and economies. Seven out of ten of the world’s biggest corporations have a billionaire CEO or principal shareholder. They use their influence to oppose labor laws and policies that benefit workers while dodging taxes, privatizing public institutions, and gutting environmental safeguards.

It’s time to rein in billionaire and corporate power to create a more equal future for everyone.

Sign your name and demand that President Biden and Congress address the inequality crisis and rein in billionaire and corporate power.

Davos 2024 yacht

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Create a more equal future for everyone

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You just did something powerful!

By raising your voice to demand that President Biden and Congress take action to rein in billionaire and corporate power, you’re part of the global movement to build a more equal future where everyone can thrive—not just the ultra-rich.

Will you join us in the next step in this fight? Make a contribution to help us rein in corporate and billionaire power and stand up for workers in the year ahead.

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Message to President Biden and Members of Congress:

We are alarmed by extreme inequality in the United States and around the world. In the past three years, we’ve seen a surge in extreme wealth while progress against global poverty has stalled. The world's five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes since 2020—at a rate of $14 million per hour—while five billion people have become poorer.

The ultra-rich have created a new era of consolidated corporate and monopoly power that gives them both immense wealth and excessive control over our lives and economies.

Seven out of ten of the world’s biggest corporations have a billionaire CEO or principal shareholder. Meanwhile, people around the world are working harder and longer hours, often for poverty wages, in precarious and unsafe jobs.

It’s time to curb the influence and power of billionaires and corporations.

We urge you to take the following actions today to create a more equal future for everyone:

  • Cap CEO pay;
  • Empower workers by supporting living wages, unionization, and paid sick and family leave;
  • Break up monopolies;
  • Implement new taxes on the super-rich and corporations, including permanent wealth and excess profit taxes; and
  • Invest in public services.

Oxfam estimates that a wealth tax on the world’s multi-millionaires and billionaires could generate $1.8 trillion a year. This money could be used to invest in public services and infrastructure and to support climate action initiatives that could better everyone’s lives, not just an ultra-wealthy few.

Thank you for taking action to build a more equal future for all of us.