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Take action for a People's Vaccine

Take action


Submit your voice recording and join with others around the world in calling on pharmaceutical companies to share the COVID-19 vaccine recipe.

As part of the People’s Vaccine Alliance, we want you to share your short personal voice message to Pfizer and/or Moderna, to let them know why we need a People’s Vaccine now. Record a personal voice message from your phone or computer demanding the companies start putting people over profits. It’s time for Moderna and Pfizer to share the COVID-19 vaccine recipe, technology, and know-how so that vaccines can be made accessible to everyone, everywhere. And please end the voice recording message with the line: I have one word for you... (i.e., greed, accountability, unacceptable, selfishness, inequality, etc.). Choose a word that sums up how you feel about pharma companies putting their profits before saving lives. To get you started, we have a few sample scripts below.

To submit by email: Record a personal voice message from your phone or computer. Then, click on the button "Email Voice Submissions" and attach your recording to the email.

To submit by WhatsApp: Just click on the "WhatsApp Submissions" button below.

In partnership with the People’s Vaccine Alliance, these voice recordings will be compiled and delivered straight to Moderna and Pfizer. Let’s use our collective voices to advocate for vaccine equity.

Remember, this is an audio action so we want to hear your voice!

Check out the sample scripts below, or the Pandemic of Greed briefing for inspiration.

For additional questions or support submitting your voice recording, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Sample Scripts

Here are some samples for inspiration but we encourage you to personalize your message. You do not need to include any personal identifying information (such as your full name), as we want to respect the anonymity of your message. Remember, this is a audio action, so please send us your voice recording.

Dear Pfizer, millions of people around the world are still waiting for their COVID-19 vaccine. Stop putting your profits before people’s lives and share the science and tech with the world. I have one word for you, GREEDY.

My name is [INSERT FIRST NAME], and I’m calling on Moderna to stop putting profits before people’s lives. Billions of US tax payer dollars were used to develop the COVID-19 vaccine, and we demand that the science and tech are made available to the world. I have one word for you, SHAMEFUL.

Corporate greed is killing us. You at Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna are making $1,000 every single second in profit, and still, thousands of people around the world die every day because YOU refuse to share COVID-19 vaccine recipe, technology, and know-how. I have one word for you, EMPATHY.

Facts & Stats

Hurting families

Every one minute, four children around the world lose a parent or caregiver to COVID-19.

Vaccine inequality

Seventy-three percent of people in high income countries are fully vaccinated while just six percent of people in low-income are.

Corporate Greed

Moderna has successfully converted the $10 billion it received in government funding (including vaccine pre-orders) to around $10 billion to date in vaccine profits.

Why do we need a People’s Vaccine?

It’s been two years since the start of the pandemic, and we still find ourselves on a rollercoaster, with new variants, illness, death, and broken promises. Inequality continues to prolong the pandemic, devastating lives and livelihoods. Women have shouldered an especially heavy burden. Even though effective COVID-19 vaccines have been developed, the rollout has been anything but effective as nationalism, greed, and self-interest continue to come before the lives of millions.

Large numbers of people in low-income countries face the virus unprotected and millions of people would still be alive today if they had access to a vaccine. Big pharmaceutical corporations have prioritized profits over vaccine equity. For every death in a high-income country, an estimated four other people have died in a low or lower-middle income country. As we enter the third year of the pandemic, it is more important than ever to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to vaccines and treatments.

To learn more about Oxfam's response to COVID-19, click here.

Additional Details

People's Vaccine Alliance

Oxfam is part of the People’s Vaccine Alliance, a global coalition of nearly 100 organizations, campaigning for vaccine equity through support for a waiver of intellectual property rules on COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, and by making pharmaceutical companies share their science and know-how with qualified producers in developing countries, so they are able to make their own doses.

Protection & Privacy Policy

By submitting this voice message, you authorize Oxfam and the People’s Vaccine Alliance and its members to use your voice message for campaign purposes. We may share your responses on our digital and print platforms and offline events.

If you would like to share your name and location in your message you are welcome to do so, but it is not a requirement. We care about data protection & privacy.

Here is a link to the People’s Vaccine Alliance data protection policy for those submitting a recording via WhatsApp. Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Google+