Unleash your inner David

Watch the video. Then take action.

Meet Joanna Manu. Just like in the old story of David and Goliath, Joanna challenged a powerful giant: a huge mining corporation. And she won the battle. If you're like most people, you admire that kind of courage. It's hard to believe that you could have the same extraordinary power, but you do. At Oxfam we are all about investing in the power of people like Joanna and you to fight injustice.

Now it's your turn. Get started below.


Stand with women: Push for transparency

Instead of sharing in the wealth generated by oil, gas, and mining projects, many communities face poverty, environmental damage, and human rights abuses—and women often face the worst of these challenges. Armed with information, activists can push for more of that money to be spent back in their communities. Use your voice to stand with women activists like Joanna Manu and push for transparency.

Sign the petition

Fighting giants isn't easy

In a three minute video, everything looks simple. But there's a lot more to Joanna's story. Read about what she's up to today and find out about her transformation from farmer to giant slayer. Then it's your turn.

See where you fit in

Get active in your community

Once Joanna understood her rights, she became active in her community to get others involved in the fight against injustice. She recognized the power of people working together. Whether in your neighborhood, on campus, or as part of your faith group, your local action can make a difference globally.

Get involved