
  1. Briefing paper

    Entering Uncharted Waters: El Niño and the threat to food security

    Millions of poor people face hunger and poverty this year and next because of droughts and erratic rains as global temperatures reach new records, and because of the onset of a powerful El Niño – the climate phenomenon that develops in the tropical Pacific and brings extreme weather to several regions of the world.

  2. Briefing paper

    Yemen: Struggling to Break the Fast

    Yemen is a pressure cooker that is reaching its critical point. Attacked from the air, from the ground and cut off by land, sea and air -- Yemenis are in desperate need and have nowhere to go.

  3. Briefing paper

    Show Us The Money!

    Five years since Dodd-Frank, Section 1504 is still unfinished and $1.5 trillion went to developing countries for oil with limited transparency

  4. Briefing paper

    For human dignity: The World Humanitarian Summit and the challenge to deliver

    The UN Secretary-General has called the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 ‘to make humanitarian action fit for the future'. Tens of millions of people receive humanitarian aid every year, but millions more suffer without adequate help and protection, and their number is relentlessly rising.

  5. Briefing paper

    Money Talks: Africa at the G7

    Africa is among the world’s fastest-growing continents, but the rich world is reaping the rewards of this growth, as billions of dollars a year flow out of Africa.

  6. Briefing paper

    Never again: building resilient health systems and learning from the Ebola crisis

    It took the threat of a global health crisis to illustrate the failings of Africa’s health systems. Resilient health systems, free at the point of use, are evidently a global public good. They are essential for the provision of universal health coverage and for a prompt response to outbreaks of disease.

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