
  1. Briefing paper

    Walking the Talk

    Oxfam launched its award-winning international ‘Behind the Brands’ campaign in February 2013. It ranks the biggest international food and beverage companies, the ‘Big 10’, on the strength of their policies on transparency, women, agricultural workers, farmers, land, water and climate change. The aim of the campaign is to create a race to the top, encouraging the Big 10 (Associated British Foods (ABF), Coca-Cola, Danone, General Mills, Kellogg, Mars, Mondelez, Nestlé, PepsiCo and Unilever) to improve their policies and practices.

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  2. Briefing paper

    Syria Crisis Fair Share Analysis 2015

    The numbers of people in need as a result of the conflict in Syria continues to rise, but the international humanitarian response has not kept pace. The donor conference in Kuwait on 31 March 2015 is an opportunity to reverse that trend and put Syrian civilians first.

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  3. Briefing paper

    Trust builder: Catherine Mulaga

    A civil society leader fights to restore dialogue between public officials and citizens in Tanzania.

  4. Briefing paper

    Media mogul: Alfred Sirleaf

    In the wake of Ebola, Liberia’s “Daily Talk is about keeping everyone in the system on their toes and aware of what is happening.”

  5. Briefing paper

    Truth seeker: Gabriela Ayerdi

    A rural community in Guatemala is accompanied as citizens unearth and confront corruption in their midst.

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  6. Briefing paper

    Fiscal hawk: Albert Kan-Dapaah

    A former cabinet minister (and certified public accountant) joins civil society to fight corruption in Ghana.

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